K23 of the Wise Owl Knits Fibercast is a short episode, but there is some good stuff here!
I am wearing the Solomon Poncho, and we are starting the Solomon Poncho KAL on the day after Christmas and ends on March 15. What I great time to work on something for you! You can follow along on Instagram using the hashtag #spkal and/or join the Solomon Poncho KAL group on Telegram. You can use this link to get into the group: https://t.me/solomonponchokal. Once you finish the poncho, you fill out this form.
I know it is a pain to fill out a form, but I am doing it because the hashtags on IG are not reliable, and I know everyone is not on Telegram, and may not want to download another app.
New Patterns coming soon
Keeping Time is in testing and will be released on January 2. I am including a picture of the yarn requirements and gauge if anyone want to start planning to knit Keeping Time.
Wildflower for Babies, Kids, and Teens will be released the beginning for February, and Kits from Mystery Mouse Knits and Bags from Delightful Works will be available for pre-sale at the same time. The KAL for Wildflower (of any size) will begin on March 1. Assuming the set up for the Solomon Poncho goes smoothly, I will do the same for the Wildflower KAL.
Mystery Mouse Yarns: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysteryMouseYarnCo Delightful Works: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DelightfulWorks3113?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1599024007&from_page=listing
I am working on a baby blanket, and will have a pattern available by the beginning of February. This is Aran weight yarn and size 8 needles.
Other than the blanket, I have mostly been working on my csm. I am doing a 30 day Adventures with the Circular Sock Machine series and I have a playlist for that on Youtube. It is kind of a vlog for what I have been doing, but is definitely not tutorials! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv1PKB6cOdvt0a9E6BfIy_pqj_7-fC24d
I have learned so much and am grateful to all of the experts that have offered tips, especially Karen from CSM Love, https://www.youtube.com/@CSMLove
Thanks to Stephanie for knitting the Cable Top Boxy and talking about it on Texas Peach Knits, https://www.youtube.com/@texaspeachknits
Vlogmas that you might want to check out:
Chicken Lady https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NifzKzIKjU0
Hartley's Handmade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFyYsE-JooU
Shauna's Stitches (once a week) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwPjaZAFRjE&pp=ygUPc2hhdW5hIHN0aXRjaGVz
Word of the episode: Edify