Welcome to the Wise Owl Knits Fibercast! This is K19. I am your host, Cheryl Beckerich. I am the designer and pattern writer for Wise Owl Knits. If this is your first time here, I am so happy that you can join us today, and if you have watched before, thank you for coming back and watching again.
You can find me at wiseowlknits.com, wiseowlknitss with 2 s's on Instagram, wise owl knits on YouTube, Rumble, and Facebook. If you want to reach out to me, you can also contact me through my website or at cheryl@wiseowlknits.com.
On my fibercast I share all my crafts and designs. I am mainly a knitter, but I also do some quilting, sewing, and even a bit of crochet. I am sure I will dabble in other fiber crafts from time to time, and I will share those too when I do them.
Piper's Journey by Paula Emons-Fuessle

I have completely finished all 5 Christmas Stockings, including the names and the linings.
I have also finished 2 charity hats for Birthline.
Brioche hat..... turned cowl!
Charity Blanket using Bernat Blanket Brights and size 13 US needles.

Designs Wildflower and Solomon Poncho
Hold your Knitting Close, by Sue Witkin
Get your copy of this book by messaging Sue (looplover12) on Instagram. If you were a Knitting Pipeline fan, you will thoroughly enjoy this book. And if you were not aware of the podcast, I know that you will be a fan after reading the book!