I have had it in my mind that I don't like using the magic loop method for working a small circumference of stitches in the round. I had tried it a couple of times, and it just seemed like there was too much moving the needles and the stitches. It seemed a little too fiddly. I don't really mind working on dpns, and I also like working on the Addi Flexiflips.

My family Christmas gifts this year are Christmas Trees in reverse stockinette stitch with a cable up the front. The trees are worked in the round and are cone shaped. In fact, the fit over a small styrofoam cone. I started out with worsted weight yarn, then quickly figured out that if I wanted to actually get them all done, I had better switch to a super bulky yarn. Not only is that quite a bit quicker to knit, but I also like the look of the trees in the bulky yarn with the cable.
I also began this project using my Flexiflips, however, when I switched to the super bulky, I had to use dpns because I didn't have a set of size 13 US Flexiflips. I am not sure that they even make them. The super bulky and the dpns were not playing well together. I was getting ladders, and the needles kept sliding out of the stitches. This often happened when I put a half worked tree into my project bag. It was not a huge deal, but it was annoying.I soon got tired of my needle trying to run away, and decided to use Magic Loop.
Sometimes it is all about the right tool for the project. The Magic Loop was just perfect for this project. It eliminated the ladders, which is small lengths of yarn between 2 needles that sometimes occur where 2 dpns or Flexiflips meet. There are techniques that you can use to eliminate ladders, but it was just nice not to have to deal with them in the first place. The Magic Loop also kept my stitches on the needles when I put the tree in my project bag.
The right tool for the right project. Here is a short video that shows you how to use the Magic Loop. You will need at least a 36 inch or longer circular needle.
Here is the Christmas Tree Pattern