2020 has been nothing less than a strange year. From the uncertainty of the COVID 19 pandemic, with it's lock downs causing havoc for schools, families, businesses and employees, to the peaceful protests, to the riots resulting from groups hijacking the peaceful protests. There is also our country's political polarization and the upcoming elections. There is bullying and a cancel culture in the name of social justice in our social media, by those who think they can raise people up by tearing other people down. It is enough to send any of us into a downward spiral from the fear of the unknown and financial instability, fear for our personal safety in our cities, and fear that our country may be careening in the wrong direction.
That being said, I am always an optimist. I can't help it, that is just the way I am wired. I naturally think things will work out for the best. Maybe I sometimes ignore reality because it is too upsetting to think about it. I would much rather turn off the news and social media to plan and cast on a new project. Rather than worry about all of the scary things that are going on in our world this year, I choose to sit in front of my computer and write out all of the details of a new pattern design. I am aware of what is happening, but I also know that I have to give myself the freedom to create. I need to do what I love to do so that I am healthy enough to do deal with and combat some of the bad things that are going on currently.
I began a new design shortly after we were given the first stay at home order. I thought I would be working from home, for a week, maybe two weeks. I wanted to take advantage of the "extra time" that I had been handed, and it was during this time that I got the idea for the Freedom Crescent Shawl. Here are my designer notes from the pattern:

The Freedom Crescent Shawl was written during the COVID 19 virus pandemic of 2020. This was a time where many were forced to stay at home to flatten the curve and minimize the spread of the virus. For some, this meant a loss of freedom because they could not go to work, go to the gym, go out to eat, etc.
For me, it meant that I had more time to do something that I really love to do. I had time to knit and had time to create some new patterns. Rather than sleeping in, I was up at 5:00 am to take advantage of the gift of time. When my family and friends complained, I could see why they didn’t like the lock down, but I had to share my point of view. I was thrilled to have the time and the freedom to create and also to admit that I could easily be a hermit!

When I began the pattern, we were just dealing with the corona virus. As the months ticked by our world became stranger and stranger, I became increasingly grateful for my freedom. My freedom began to take on a deeper meaning than just some extra time. I am grateful that I have the freedom to knit and design. I am grateful that I have the freedom of speech and all of the freedoms for all US citizens in our Bill of Rights. I am grateful that I have a supportive family, a good job, and a supportive group of crafters to allow me the freedom to create.
The Freedom Crescent Shawl pattern is now available at a 20% discount for my email subscribers using the discount freetocreate
The code is good until August 21, so get your copy of the Freedom Crescent today!